뉴스얽힌 글
애플 CEO 팀 쿡 커밍 아웃-게이인 것에 떳떳하다-뉴스얽힌 글 2014. 10. 31. 00:15
아침 인터넷 뉴스가 온통 애플 CEO 팀 쿡(Tim Cook)의 커밍 아웃 스토리다. 블룸버그 비즈니스위크 에 올린 그의 수필을 통해 처음으로 자신이 게이임을 선언했다고. "While I have never denied my sexuality, I haven't publicly acknowledged it either, until now," writes Cook. "So let me be clear: I'm proud to be gay, and I consider..
마야 안젤루 떠나다 ( Maya Angelou)뉴스얽힌 글 2014. 5. 29. 01:14
Still I rise You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may tread me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I'll rise. Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you beset with gloom? 'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells Pumping in my living room. Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I'll rise. D..